Good News for People With Arthritis: Research Studies are Enrolling Now!

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Do your hips or knees ache?

Are your joints stiff?

Is the pain so bad it’s sometimes tough to get out of bed?

Then you probably already know you’re one of the 52 million Americans who suffer from arthritis.

This debilitating condition affects one in five Americans — and there’s no cure, only remedies to manage the pain.

If you haven’t found relief with your current medications, you might be interested in learning about other options out there.

Local research studies may be an option and offer variable payment/compensation up to $1,000, depending on the study (learn more here). These studies help doctors discover better ways to treat — and hopefully eliminate — arthritis.

These studies are open to men and women over age 18 who suffer from arthritis.

If you qualify, you may earn up to $1,000 to participate. Compensation depends on the type of study and number of visits required.

Not to mention, the medications and medical care you’d receive would be no-cost to you.

Want to learn more?

Click here to fill out the form and see if you’re eligible. If you are, you’ll be able to select a research facility in your area.

Note: Patients must currently be on a medication called Methotrexate

Since there’s no cost or obligation to participate in this clinical trial, what do you have to lose?

Nothing — except that all-too-familiar joint pain.

Your Turn: Do you have arthritis? Have you ever considered participating in a study?

Disclosure: This post includes affiliate links. We’re letting you know because it’s what Honest Abe would do. After all, he is on our favorite coin.