Download Empower and Let It Negotiate All of Your Bills for You

A woman sits by a window and a mural on a wall.
Librarian Ayanna Gaines uses Empower. “It helps you get a better control over your financial situation,” Gaines says. “It’s adulting in a less painful way.“ Tina Russell/The Penny Hoarder
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Those virtual coins and jewels might be easy enough to find, but the real stuff? That’s a bit trickier.

Let the Empower app be your guide to real-life treasure as it helps you organize and track your financial goals.

Simply link your accounts, and every time you log in, you’ll see a simple snapshot of where you stand on your monthly budget. Are you above or below the line? In one second you’ll know whether you’re on track or need to dial things back a bit.

Empower even has a cool “find free money” feature. It’ll do things like negotiate your cell phone bill, review your insurance coverage and cancel unwanted subscriptions.

Penny Hoarder Ayanna Gaines used the app to help after she took a hit in her paycheck when she switched jobs from academic to public librarian.

Gaines estimates that the app has helped her save up to $720 in overdraft fees as well as another $200 to $400 by improving her spending in the year and a half that she’s used it.

“It helps you get a better control over your financial situation,” Gaines says. “It’s adulting in a less painful way. “

Download the Empower app now and start finding more ways to save money.