If You Have Debt, Here’s How to Make Sure You Can Still Afford Life Insurance — Without Paying for Coverage You Don’t Need

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You might think you’ve got enough bills to worry about and that now isn’t the time to spend money on something like life insurance. And hey, with child care, car payments and piling debt, maybe death isn’t really something you can afford anytime soon, anyway.

But just because you have debt doesn’t mean you can’t financially protect your family. In fact, having debt is one of the main factors determining if you need life insurance — if something happens to you, you don’t want to leave your debt to your loved ones.

So, while life is full of uncertainties, peace of mind that your family will be taken care of — no matter what — is actually a luxury you can afford, right now. And a company called Reeske can help you do just that with insurance as low as $6.46 per month.

Many insurance websites push you to buy more coverage than you actually need. Reeske, on the other hand, lets you design a custom plan for each stage of your life before you even get the insurance companies involved. It uses one-of-a-kind technology to help you get the smallest policy that’s right for you.

This can save you up to 40% of total future premiums — that’s up to $4,000 in lifetime savings.

Save up to 40% on Life Insurance Premiums with Personalized Coverage

You can get personalized life insurance recommendations completely free through Reeske — you don’t even have to provide your email address.

It takes about two minutes to share some basic information about your mortgage, your dependents and debts, so Reeske can make recommendations for the right coverage with huge savings you won’t find anywhere else — up to 40% on your total future premiums up to $4,000. This all varies depending on your gender, age and health factors.

You might think life insurance is something you only need to buy when you’re older. But the truth is, if you’re under 45, now is the best time to secure a policy at the lowest rate. It only gets more expensive and harder to qualify as you get older.

Don’t worry about providing your Social Security number, or even an ID. But be ready to provide information on how many children you have and your level of debt.

Using its analytics software and pricing optimization engine, Reeske pulls data from your assessment to create a unique risk profile. From there, it can recommend the coverage you need, along with recommendations for highly-rated insurance plans that can get you there.

The best part? If Reeske determines you don’t need coverage for your life situation, they’ll tell you. Reeske provides unbiased recommendations, even if it means not purchasing life insurance through its site.

And what about when you’ve paid off more of your mortgage or other debts? Or when your kids move out of the house? Reeske lets you change pieces of your coverage as your life changes, so you can cancel certain parts of your policy you don’t need anymore without losing all your coverage.

So, what’s holding you back? If you’re under 45 years old and want the peace of mind that comes with knowing your family is protected after you die — even if you have debt — see how much Reeske can save you on life insurance. Click here to share some basic info to get started. It takes just two minutes, and you deserve the peace of mind.