Your Car Insurance Is Going Up — Again. Here Are 12 Ways to Lower Your Bill
Consider this a friendly heads-up: Your car insurance bill is about to go up.
Well, that’s not fair, you’re thinking. What can I do about it?
We’ve got a dozen ideas for what you can do about it.
Rising Car Insurance Prices
We just saw two separate reports forecasting that 2023 will bring a noticeable jump in car insurance prices:
- Rates are expected to increase by 12.6% across the U.S. this year — the biggest jump in six years — according to a study¹ from financial data website ValuePenguin. It puts the average cost of full coverage car insurance at $1,984 per year.
Why? A number of reasons, namely inflation and a nationwide increase in fatal auto accidents.
12 Simple Ways to Lower Your Car Insurance Bill
I recently had the “pleasure” of signing up for a new car insurance policy. While I shopped around for a policy that didn’t break my budget — but still offered insurance coverage that thoroughly protected my car, me and other motorists — I researched some tips to help save money.
And no, I’m not going to suggest anything that requires a drastic life change. Sure, buying a new type of car with high safety ratings, moving to Maine, maintaining a clean driving record or never driving again will all help. But that’s not realistic for most of us.
Here you’ll find the simplest, most practical ways to lower your auto insurance premiums:
1. Shop Around for the Best Rates
You might not realize it, but your car insurance company is probably overcharging you. In fact, they’re kind of counting on you not noticing. But don’t worry; this is an easy fix.
This new tool from The Penny Hoarder gathers all your best options together in one place, so you don’t have to waste time browsing endless insurance sites for a better deal. On average, drivers who shop around tend to save $500 per year or more.
Getting started is super easy, too. Just tell us a little about yourself and the kind of car you drive, and we’ll send you a few personalized quotes you can compare to find the best fit for you.
Stop overpaying for car insurance. It only takes a few minutes to compare your options and see how much you could be saving.
2. Continue to Shop for a Lower Rate Every 6 Months
Comparing rates once won’t cut it. They can change month to month — even day to day.
There are a number of fluctuating personal factors that can affect your insurance rates, including your age, location, marital status and credit score. But consider external factors, too, like natural disasters, crime rates and the economy.
3. Increase Your Deductible
Car insurance deductibles are typically $500 or $1,000 — you choose. This is simply the amount you’ll have to cover out of pocket before your insurance kicks in and covers the rest.
Now, you’re thinking the lower deductible is best, right? In some cases, yes, because if you need to file an insurance claim, you’d rather fork over $500 than $1,000. But opting for a higher deductible can actually save you money on your insurance premium, which could save you money over time.
You’ll have to consider what happens if you get into an accident and have to file a claim. Can you cover that $1,000 deductible? Do some math, and make sure the money you’re saving on your premium is worth the higher deductible.
And drive safely!
4. Pay Your Policy Online, in Full and Early
The online insurance company The Zebra looked at how much money you can save by adjusting your payment plan. Here’s what it found:
- Save 1.5% with auto-pay.
- Save 4.7% by paying in full.
- Save 3.1% with a seven-day advanced payment.
- Save 3.8% with a 10-day advanced payment.
And if you pay online, in full and early, you could lower your rate by 10%. It might not sound like a ton of money, but if your premium is $1,500, this simple move could result in $150 in savings each year.
5. Maintain Good Credit
Did you know your credit score can have a hefty impact on your car insurance premiums? Drivers with poor credit tend to pay more than twice as much as those with exceptional credit, according to The Zebra.
If your credit score is veering toward the “poor” end of the spectrum, there are some simple steps you can take to increase it. We recommend signing up for Credit Sesame, a free credit monitoring service that breaks down exactly what’s on your credit report in layman’s terms, how it affects your score and how to address it.
James Cooper, a motivational speaker, raised his credit score 277 points in six months using Credit Sesame. Cooper’s favorite part about Credit Sesame is its personalization. It suggested concrete steps, based on his situation, to better manage his credit score.

6. Bundle Your Insurance Policies
You’re probably paying for additional insurance policies, right? Like homeowners insurance or renters insurance? Once you find a company you like and trust, consider bundling your policies to save some money.
The Zebra found that bundling policies could save you up to 10%.
7. Take a Defensive Driving Course
OK, so maybe you recently got a speeding ticket. Or you didn’t see that stop sign and received a moving violation. Whatever the case, taking a defensive driving course can be a great way to wipe the points from your driving record and help offset an increase in insurance costs.
And guess what? You don’t have to sit through a weekend of classes. There’s this thing called the internet, and you can take online defensive driving courses through AARP, the National Safety Council or your state’s DMV. The cost of the course will vary by state, but you shouldn’t pay more than about $40.
Even if you’re a safe driver with a good driving record, you can still take the course for an insurance discount — just be sure to check with your insurance agent to make sure the discount applies (and that it’s worth the cost of the course).
8. Brag About Your Community Involvement
When signing up for car insurance, ask your agent if you can tap into discounts for organizational involvement. For example, when I signed up for my new insurance policy, the company asked if I was involved in a sorority or fraternity, or an alumni organization.
You can also get discounts if you’re involved in an educational, business or military organization.
9. Know Your State’s Minimum Requirements
Each state requires different liability coverage amounts, so study up on your state’s minimum requirements.
For example, in Maryland, motorists are required to have insurance that covers at least $30,000 in bodily injury per person, $60,000 in bodily injury per accident and $15,000 in property damage. (This is often referred to as 30/60/15.)
The minimum coverage is the cheapest, but you’ll likely want more.
A good rule of thumb? Secure coverage that equals the total value of your assets (think: car, home, investments, savings), suggests the Wall Street Journal. Why? If your insurance doesn’t adequately cover an accident, your assets could be seized to help cover car repairs and medical costs.
To find out your state’s required minimums, visit your DMV online.
10. Understand Collision and Comprehensive Coverage
In addition to the state minimums, you’ll also need to consider adding collision and comprehensive coverage to your auto insurance policy.
Comprehensive insurance will cover any non-accident related damage. Think: hail, theft, flooding, vandalism, fire, falling objects, animals — anything that doesn’t involve another car. Some states call this “other than collision” coverage.
Then there’s collision coverage, which pays for damage done to your car. If you own an older car that’s not worth a lot, collision coverage might not be worth the increase in your insurance bill.
Both of these add-ons are optional, but they could benefit you, so consider your circumstances carefully.
11. Ask About Additional Discounts
We’ve covered a couple of discounts, but it never hurts to ask your auto insurer about any additional discounts you might qualify for. Some of the most common ones include:
- Senior
- Good student
- Low-income
- Multi-car (include more than one car on your policy)
- Safe driver
- New car
- Anti-lock brakes
- Airbag (usually for older cars made before 1990)
- Anti-theft devices
- Paperless (view your bill online)
Honestly, there are too many to list, so it never hurts to inquire. Chances are, your agent will be able to dig up something to help you out.
12. Use Your Negotiation Skills
When in doubt, hop on the phone. Yup, for this final tip we’re getting back to the basics. It’s time to negotiate!
You can negotiate just about any of your monthly bills, including your car insurance. Contact your agent or a company representative and let them know you need to find additional ways to save money… or else.
(Just kidding. Don’t say that last part.)
Mike Brassfield ([email protected]) is a senior writer at The Penny Hoarder. Carson Kohler is a former staff writer at The Penny Hoarder.
- State of Auto Insurance in 2024, ValuePenguin by lendingtree