This Thoughtful DIY Gift is Perfect for Someone With Anxiety or Depression

A Reddit user’s girlfriend struggles with depression and anxiety. He wanted to do something uplifting for her, so he pulled out some craft supplies and got to work.
Bovadeez spent a few hours color-coding popsicle sticks with magic markers and hand-lettering sweet messages that his girlfriend can read when she’s stressed out or anxious.
Orange sticks display inspirational quotes, yellow ones have positive messages and purple ones have relaxing messages. The gift also includes some blank sticks and a Sharpie pen so his girlfriend can write down happy moments she wants to remember.
Bovadeez piled the pen and collection of sticks into an empty jar, along with a note explaining how to use the gift. “I know she can hear me say things but something like this… well… it’s what words can’t say that get through to her,” bovadeez commented on Reddit.
“She’s very special to me, he says. ‘[The] least I can do is try to help.”
Several Redditors say they’re charmed by the idea and plan to make something similar for someone in their life.
It’s a helpless feeling to watch someone you care about struggle with anxiety and depression.
“Most of us know someone who is living with them,” notes positivity website A Plus. “Let’s do what we can to show them we care. A little DIY project can go a long way.”
Mental health issues can affect anyone, at any age. If you or someone you know needs help, these nine affordable mental health treatment resources are a great place to start.
Lisa McGreevy is a staff writer at The Penny Hoarder.