What to Put on Your LinkedIn Profile if You Want Recruiters to Notice You

This video explains five ways to make your LinkedIn profile look professional.

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Time for some real talk: Your LinkedIn profile probably sucks.

I know mine sure did.

If you have one — 50% of Americans with a college degree say they use LinkedIn, but only 9% of those with a high school diploma or less do — you probably haven’t updated it in months, maybe even years.

I made my LinkedIn profile several years ago, and, except for a few basic job updates, I barely looked at it.

But considering that the official unemployment rate was 13.3% in May — and the actual rate is probably even higher — a LinkedIn profile makeover could be rising to the top of many of our recession to-do lists.

Here’s how I tackled mine.

5 LinkedIn Profile Tips: Stand Out in Less Than 30 Minutes

Improving your LinkedIn profile doesn’t need to take long. A half-hour is all you need to make a huge difference.

1. Customize Your URL

You’ve got a customized URL for your Facebook and Instagram pages — so why not LinkedIn?

It looks more professional (and is way easier to remember) if you make your URL something like www.linkedin.com/in/yourname. Here’s a tutorial that shows you how.

2. Delete That Selfie

How’s your profile photo? If it’s a selfie, or has your buddies cropped out on either side of you, it’s gotta go.

Recruiting firm Lenox Executive Search urges that your photo is often your first impression; make it count.

Nowadays, everyone carries a camera in their pocket, so get outside in some natural light and have a friend snap a few nice, professional-looking headshots.

3. Write a Killer Headline

Other than your photo, your headline is often the only thing people will see, since those are the only things that pop up on search pages. You have a generous 120 characters to sell yourself — use them!

Include your title first, and then consider adding one (or more) of the following:

Strengths: What sets you apart from the other people in your position? This is also a great spot to include some industry keywords.

Services: What can you offer the reader? Consulting services? Custom logo design? Make it known right from the start!

Personality: Show off your humor or silly side. By reflecting your true self, you’re more likely to attract employers who are a good fit.

4. Spruce Up Your Summary

Who are you and why do you rock? Of course, that will probably be difficult to sum up in a few paragraphs, but the summary is your opportunity to try.

If you need a little help, check out our tips for writing a killer summary that will attract recruiters.

5. Ask for Recommendations

It might sound scary, but don’t skip this step!

LinkedIn makes it really easy to write and request recommendations. Job search strategist Mir Garvy recommends you have “at least three,” and says one to two recommendations for every 50 connections is a “good guideline.”

To request one from a supervisor or colleague, click on the arrow near your profile photo, and click “Ask to be recommended.” They’ll receive a request; once it’s submitted, all you have to do is click “Add to profile.”

Woohoo! At this point, your profile should be lookin’ pretty fly.

Ask a friend to proofread it, and when you’re all done, click on “View profile as” to make sure it shows up correctly to your visitors.

Then, who knows? Opportunity could come knocking.

Susan Shain, contributor for The Penny Hoarder, is always seeking adventure on a budget. Visit her blog at susanshain.com, or say hi on Twitter @susan_shain.