LinkedIn Wants College Students With Something to Say. Are You One of Them?

For college students stepping out into the professional workforce for the very first time, LinkedIn is a necessary tool.
While the platform is primarily used for networking, there are plenty of other features that young people should be taking advantage of, including the ability to search for jobs, showcase their resumes, research employers, and — perhaps most importantly — market themselves.
And although building credibility by amassing positive reviews and recommendations is a large part of what will make you stand out to potential employers on the networking platform, there’s one thing that many young people are missing out on: The ability to craft their own professional persona and reputation by having their viewpoints, thoughts and ideas published on the Student Publishing Platform.
And that’s because not many students even know it exists.
To fix this issue, LinkedIn launched its Campus Editors program, which appoints promising students as college ambassadors to pitch, write, edit and publish articles — and to encourage other students on campus to participate in the program as well.
Right now, the program is looking for its next class of Campus Editors — and that could include you.
Become a LinkedIn Campus Editor
A LinkedIn Campus Editor is a college student who functions much like a journalist and works with LinkedIn’s editorial team to create, pitch, write, edit and publish content on the site.
Campus Editors also act as ambassadors, and it’s their job to round up (and hype up) other students on campus who want to write about anything that matters to them.
(And LinkedIn is serious about “anything that matters to them.” In the past, students have written about everything from job rejections to dresses.)
Campus Editors work closely with the team at LinkedIn and thus have the opportunity to meet and work with professionals from a variety of industries. This, in turn, often leads to internship and job offers, speaking and engagement opportunities, and article re-publishing offers from big-name media outlets.
Interested yet?
I thought so.
But would you believe me if I told you there was more awesome stuff that comes with this gig?
This year’s class of Campus Editors will also receive a premium upgrade and will be given access to LinkedIn Learning, a collection of courses that help students “learn new skills and gain a competitive advantage.”
To be a successful Campus Editor, you should love coming up with and creating content, enjoy working collaboratively and be passionate, driven and focused on meeting deadlines.
You should also be a person who deeply believes that students’ voices matter and that their perspectives are important (which they do, and they are).
Applications are open until the end of September, so head over here to fill one out.
Good luck! I’m excited to read what you write.
Grace Schweizer is a junior writer at The Penny Hoarder.