Make Money While Shopping


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If you like to shop or dine out, imagine getting paid to frequent your favorite stores, cafes and restaurants–all while scoring free perks and merchandise in the process!

f you’ve ever heard of a mystery shopper or a secret shopper, then you know that these people are hired by companies to independently rate products, customer service, and overall shopping experience. In order to combat the grim statistics that 2 out of every 3 shoppers who quit shopping somewhere do so because of poor customer service, companies pay mystery shoppers so they can better evaluate their stores’ customer service efforts and make changes where necessary.

How Mystery Shopping Works

If hired as a mystery shopper, you would pose as a regular shopper or patron and conduct a series of pre-determined tasks. Usually, these tasks involve ordering a menu item, buying a product, and engaging in conversation with the employees at the store or restaurant. In exchange for your time and candid feedback, you’ll be paid a base salary. You can also score plenty of fantastic perks/freebies such as free food, clothes, and other merchandise.  Once you return from an assignment, you will need to fill out a detailed questionnaire and submit it online before your pay will be processed.

How to Find a Mystery Shopping Job

There are hundreds of sites that offer ways to become a mystery shopper, but you should do your homework before signing up with any company that charges you an up-front fee so you’re not taken for a ride on the latest website scam express. Find agencies that are free to sign up with and sign up with multiple sites to maximize your chances of being hired. There’s even a national organization, the Mystery Shopping Providers Association, where you can search national postings for mystery shopping jobs (for free!).  The most successful mystery shoppers are those who apply to multiple postings by various companies–this is how you can increase the amount of shops you complete and the money you bring in.

How Much Money do Mystery Shoppers Make?

In the beginning, the assignments might not be very glamorous, nor will they bring in the big bucks. Most will average between $7-10 for each shop completed. But if you keep at it, mystery shopping can be quite lucrative, with the most recognized and networked shoppers earning a full-time salary and amazing perks such as free vacations, free cars, etc. Sign up often, sign up early, and complete every detail of the shop’s checklist. Stay active in the company’s community and you will be on your way to being paid to shop everyday!

Good Luck, Penny Hoarders!