20 of the Best Things to Sell on eBay
Who among us doesn’t want to earn a little extra cash from the superfluous items we have sitting around our homes?
Most of us likely have things sitting around our house that have no use. Say you’ve got empty boxes or broken electronics. Can you make money off of those?
In the beautiful world of eBay, there is always opportunity. We’ll show you how.
The Weird and Profitable World of eBay
Welcome to the wonders of eBay. Below is a list of just some of of the most bizarre objects that actually sell on eBay. We’ve even given you example prices so you can see how much you might stand to make.
1. Empty Boxes
OK, OK, we know you’re already in disbelief. But it’s true—even used cardboard boxes do sell, and you could stand to make a steep profit. This new listing offers 25 used 15” x 11” shipping boxes for $29.99. That might be worth a trip to the local grocery store to pick up some spares.
That said, high-end designer boxes are the things that really sell well. This large Louis Vuitton gift box is listed for $54 on eBay. Imagine making a little money off of your Christmas gift.
7 Ways to Make Money if You Hate People
Do you avoid people too? In the past, there was almost no way around working with people if you wanted to earn a living, but things have changed.
Our team has compiled a list of creative ways you can fatten your bank account this month, without having to put up with people.
Enough small talk. Here are some ways to earn extra cash, without all of the social stuff.
And if you have other luxury goods or electronics hanging out around the house, then you just might want to round up those boxes and sell, sell, sell. This empty Chanel shoe box is going for $18 while your old iPhone 11 Pro box could sell for as much as $9.99, per eBay’s demands.
Sure, we’re not talking hundreds of dollars here, but when the box is free, any money you earn will be an added bonus. And if you want to make more money, consider recycling some of those leftover boxes.
2. Cords
Chances are you have at least a few of these laying around the house. Maybe you have so many that you can afford to get rid of a few. On eBay,you may not make a profit, but you’ll almost certainly break even. To give you an example, this used Apple lightning to USB charger is selling for as much as $14.99.
And don’t stop at the obvious, like phone chargers. Think of your power cords to video game systems, laptop chargers and even cords that hook up to your digital camera. This Nintendo Gamecube AC adapter and cord could net you $10.79 on eBay. Anything that’s wiry and plugs into a wall or electronic device can probably get you some extra money. If you have any left over, try putting one in your winter emergency car kit.
3. Instruction Manuals
Have you ever had your washing machine break and searched the entire house for the manual? It must be here somewhere, you think. But in the end, you come up dry. Or maybe you’re just feeling nostalgic for the instruction manuals from the video games of your youth and want to see if they still exist somewhere. These are just a few of the reasons why someone might want to buy your old manuals. Yes, we mean it.
Once again, these are not items that will make you big bucks, but since you’re profiting off of something that was essentially free, why not sell them?
This Bosch dishwasher manual, for example, is selling for $9.99. And if you’re going through Grandma and Grandpa’s house and find old instruction manuals from the 1950s, 60s or 70s, you may be able to sell those at an even higher price. This vintage 1958 Goliath Owners manual is listed at $17.48. If you have your car manual on hand, you might be able to sell that — and save money from it. (The same is true for car manuals—the older, the better. This 1997 Toyota T100 owner’s manual starts at $29.39.)
4. Installation CDs/Drivers
If you’re into vintage technology, this is a good category for you. Remember those old desktop software CDs? If you have those lying around, you can make a pretty penny.
This Slackware Linux install CD is going for $14.95 while this vintage Apple Macintosh system install could net you $10.99. If you don’t have any install CDs shoved in the back of your desk shelves, here are some other ways to make money fast.

5. K-Cups
If you have a Keurig coffee maker, then chances are you have some additional K-cups around the house. These pods make great coffee — and can also make you major dollars.
If you’re prone to overbuying K-cups, this could be a real moneymaker for you. A set of 108 Italian Garibaldi single-serve brewers is currently listed for $39.35. Even more in demand are Starbucks’ holiday blend medium roast coffee pods—a set of 144 is going for $78 on eBay.
If you want to make reselling K-cup pods your business, we recommend selling them in bulk. That likely won’t be too hard, as many people buy boxes and boxes from stores like Costco only to find they have excess. If you have even more than you know what to do with, read our tips for reusing K-cups.
6. My Coke Codes Rewards
This might be the most surprising item on this list — sell your old bottle caps. There is a catch. The more you have, the better, so you’ll have to get to a bag of 50 or 100 before you start making real money. This bag of 100 My Coke Rewards plastic bottle caps is selling for $10.99.
We say start drinking soda stat.
7. Box Tops for Education
Want to give back to local schools — eventually — and make some money? Then collect Box Tops for Education. Even a set of 40 “neatly trimmed” box tops can earn as much as $12, per eBay listings.A number like 650 might get you as much as $38.69.
Although Box Tops are now rounded up through digital receipts, if you can find a vintage cereal box with a box top, you’re sure to get good results.
8. Gift Cards
Here’s an eternal dilemma: You’ve gotten a gift card to a place you don’t like. You could regift it…or sell it on eBay, among other things.
If you’ve already cashed in a bit on the card, don’t worry. Someone can still purchase your partially used cards. You probably won’t get the full value of the card, but you can likely get close to it. This Dicks Sporting Goods $50 gift card is going for $48 while a Lowe’s gift card in store credit for $432 starts at $350.
You can also offer free shipping and instead email the buyer the code and PIN. But some buyers will want the physical card. Keep in mind you need to be exact about how much is on the card.
And if you don’t have any on hand, we have tips for getting free gift cards that will come by next week.
9. Remotes
Broken television but your remote control still works? We’ve been there. Consider selling your old remote. Make sure you list the specific make and model of the TV so people know which remote they’re getting. Replacement remotes like this one for all Samsung televisions or LG products go for around $5.
If you have stuff from the 2000s or 1990’s, you’ll really be in luck. That’s what collectors want. This Mitsubishi vintage remote control is listed at $14.95. Here are a few more technology tips that will keep you set if you’re working from home.

10. Broken Electronics/Appliances
If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. Except maybe don’t fix it even if it is broken? It’s a twist on the old adage, because you can sell broken electronics and appliances on eBay. One way to do that is by selling them for the parts only — this eBay seller is able to make as much as $63.99 from a Whirlpool washer timer with a broken clip.
11. Craft Supplies
Are you a big crafter? Do you find yourself scrapbooking or trying to stitch a dress by hand? If so, then you may have scraps of fabric lying around that you might want to sell. Gather a bunch of scraps together and you could sell them for as much as $39.95 — if you can gather together a big enough set — with little effort.
Yarn and specific material can be particularly popular because they are difficult to match if you can’t find the exact lot number. Before you toss out antique lace or other sewing materials, take a peek at the listings on eBay.
12. Discontinued Products
Is your child dying to get their hands on a toy that is no longer made? Do you want to find something that hearkens back to your childhood? Well, there are other people like you, and selling old toys or items that are no longer made might be a good ticket to the online marketplace.
If you’re thinking specifically of selling old toys, we have some tips for you. This Millennium Y2K Furby sealed in a box is selling for $72.99, so you can make a killing off of this.
13. Large Pine Cones
A walk through your backyard might yield you your next sale on eBay. You can sell pine cones. Yes, you heard it here first. A set of 25 red pine cones can get you as much as $16.95.

14. Empty Toilet Paper Rolls
When you’re finished with your toilet paper (sorry, we had to say it), there may be another use for that roll than just the trash can. Sell it on eBay! (It’s become a common refrain now.)
This set of 48 empty toilet paper rolls is selling for $24.99. We can hardly believe it. And if you want to have more ways to repurpose your toilet paper rolls, we have other ideas.
15. Perfume and Makeup Samples
Ever walked into Sephora and left with five new testers that inevitably sit in your closet, unused? Now there’s a use for those samples. In fact, some stores even routinely give them out. Sell them and give someone else a little joy in their day.
If you have enough samples, you can sell them as a mixed bag and get around $20 for them — or more. This designer sample perfume set — with fragrances from Tory Burch, Wood, Versace, Si and Bottega Veneta — is going for $18.88 at the moment.
16. Dentures
I know, we’re shuddering just thinking about it too, but dentures actually sell on eBay. These dentures, branded vintage, are listed for $19.99. Start collecting or reselling.
17. Empty Perfume Bottles
The beauty of an empty perfume bottle is its uniqueness, the color of the glass, the luxury of the bottle. Everyone wants to partake in that luxury, if even for just a second. So once you finish that bottle of perfume, consider selling it — empty.
This vintage Chanel No. 5 French-made glass bottle is currently selling for $24.95. If you’ve amassed a collection, think about selling your vintage perfume bottles as a group. This group alone of three vintage glass perfume bottles is listed for $16.40. In fact, if you start getting into the business of making your own perfume, you could sell the bottle and the perfume.
18. Magazines
Current or vintage magazines can sell incredibly well depending on the publication, condition, featured articles and other factors.
Be sure to list any specifics in terms of the name, date, volume/issue number and condition. This information will help someone seeking a specific issue. Consider selling even catalogs, especially vintage ones. This set of vintage Gourmet magazines from 1991 are selling for $24.99.
19. Empty Egg Cartons
We’ve told you to sell toilet paper rolls and pine cones, so why not sell egg cartons while you’re at it? This set of 20 12-count egg cartons is listed for $6.99.. Just start collecting, and eventually you’ll have some money in the bank.
And if buying all those egg cartons means you have extra protein in the fridge, here are some good recipes for dinner.
20. Old Coffee Mugs
Your pantry is brimming with coffee mugs. Can’t possibly fit another? Sell them.
Old coffee mugs can be sold on eBay because someone somewhere might be looking for the one you have. People like to replace their favorite items if they break or wear out. Your mug doesn’t necessarily need to be a collectible to sell.
Some of the most popular coffee mugs are old Starbucks mugs. This vintage Starbucks mug — OK, it’s from 2007 — is selling for $5.58 on eBay. Next time you’re walking around a thrift store, check out the mug section.
Writer Elizabeth Djinis is a contributor to The Penny Hoarder, often writing about selling goods online through social platforms. Her work has appeared in Teen Vogue, Smithsonian Magazine and the Tampa Bay Times. An earlier version of this post was written by blogger Lauren Greutman for I Am That Lady.
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You’ve done what you can to cut back your spending.You brew coffee at home, you don’t walk into Target and you refuse to order avocado toast. (Can you sense my millennial sarcasm there?)
But no matter how cognizant you are of your spending habits, you’re still stuck with those inescapable monthly bills.
You know which ones we’re talking about: rent, utilities, cell phone bill, insurance, groceries…
Ready to stop paying them? Follow these moves…