‘Tis the Season: 10 DIY Stocking Stuffers You Can Make at Home
Let’s face it: Even though they’re usually small things, stocking stuffers can add up and make a serious dent in your holiday budget. Ease your spending woes and tap into your creative side with these DIY stocking stuffers.
Beard Oil

If you’re friends with a lot of bearded folks, a DIY beard oil will be the way to go. Super simple and customizable recipes abound on the internet. Outsmart inflation with these eight tips savvy shoppers know by heart.
Bath Bombs

DIY bath bombs make your house smell incredible while you’re mixing them up and make such fun gifts. Plus, once you have all the supplies, you can make dozens of them — and maybe even keep a few for yourself! Want more money-saving tricks like this? Here are eight more you should try.
Lip Scrub

Find a basic lip scrub recipe and create any color or flavor combination you can dream up. Either way, this is a super easy, totally customizable gift you can make with ingredients you probably already have in your pantry. You could be wasting your hard-earned money. Here’s how to keep more of it.
A Spa Day

While you’re at it (and because everyone likes to be pampered now and again), consider DIYing an entire “spa day” stocking using some of the ideas found here. There’s nothing better than a day of pampering — and who knows? Maybe the giftee will ask you to join them! Looking for another money-saving life hack? These companies give you food and other products for free.
Sweater Mittens

Including socks, hats and other cold weather gear in Christmas stockings is a great way to sneak in some necessities that look like gifts. Looking for new ways to save? Try one (or all!) of The Penny Hoarder’s top picks for money-saving apps.
A Popsicle Stick Jar

This DIY gift would be a great to give at any time, but would be a meaningful addition to a Christmas stocking, too. All you need are popsicle sticks and a jar, and you can give the gift of an uplifting and positive treasure trove of encouragement and inspiration. You could also switch out the quotes and phrases for a list of chores, favors or special treats for the recipient to cash in over time. Sometimes the best gifts truly do come free (or at least nearly). Here’s how to start saving money, even if you don’t have room in your budget.

A DIY chalkboard sign could be propped up on a desk at work, attached to a magnet to create a handy place to jot down grocery items or given to a child with a pack of colorful chalk as a portable (and reusable!) drawing pad. You might even have some odds and ends lying around the house that would be perfectly sized and ready for a new life as a chalkboard! (Think: coasters, small picture frames or even just scraps of wood.) Another money hack? Stop spending too much money on these five dumb things.
Snacks, Breads and Cookies

If you’re trying to forego the overpriced (and sugar-filled) Christmas candy aisle, search the internet for popular holiday treat recipes. Make your money work harder for you with The Penny Hoarder’s top picks for savings accounts.

Who doesn’t love a handmade ornament? Find a tutorial online and craft your heart out. (Maybe even make ornament-making an annual tradition with the family.) Need some extra cash this season to fund the holidays? Try one of these 50 ways to make extra money this month.
Dog Toys and Treats

Don’t forget Fido! Skip the pricey toy aisle (they’ll be destroyed within minutes anyway) and make DIY dog toys and treats instead. You can fill Scruffy’s stocking with things you probably already have on hand! Love to play on your phone? These 22 legit games pay real money.