Average Cost to Feed a Teen is $142/Week — Here are 4 Ways Parents Can Save

Your mindless indulgences are costing your parents a lot of money. Especially during the summer.
That trip to the fridge you do at 3 a.m. while watching “Orange is the New Black” reruns? It’s gotta stop.
Your eating habits will cost your parents an average of $51,790 while you’re between the moody ages of 13 and 19.
You heard me. You are racking up some ginormous grocery bills, and you aren’t exactly being nice about it in the process.
This is you:
Stop it.
Teens are Hungry, and Summer Makes it Worse
After surveying over 2,000 parents with kids between 13 and 19, food and drink company Farm Rich found that teens are hungry — and even worse, they’re hangry.
One-third of parents surveyed described their teen as a “bottomless pit,” and 75% of parents admit they have no idea how their kid manages to eat as much as they do.
(My theory? Boredom. I was 15 once.)
The cost of keeping up with these bottomless pits? The survey reports it costs $142 per week to feed one teenager.
You read that right: one teenager.
That cost skyrockets during summer, too — snacking increases by 50% when school is out.
Although parents are making valiant efforts to keep up with their hungry teens, it sometimes isn’t enough.
According to the survey, 57% of parents admit that their kid is quick to grumble about the food selection at home. Parents also claim their kids say “there’s NOTHING to eat in the house” three times a week.
Someone get these kids a Snickers, will ya?
How to Save on Your Bottomless Pit’s Grocery Bill
Farm Rich Director of Marketing Shannon Gilreath says keeping teenagers fed and happy puts serious strains on parents.
“Feeding teenagers can sometimes be a mental and financial challenge, particularly in summertime when kids are around the house more,” says Gilreath, “It’s no wonder parents can feel frustrated, with tensions rising at times, so stocking up on their kids’ favorite foods is just one way to help.”
If you’re a parent struggling to keep your teen fed and happy this summer, there are a few ways to help ease the strain on your grocery bills.
Here are a few tips:
- Ever shop at Trader Joe’s? You might want to consider making the switch — I realized I could save $600 a year shopping there.
- Re-evaluate your shopping strategy. Avoid these six expensive mistakes people make while grocery shopping.
- Make a few changes. By making a few adjustments and employing these tips and tricks at the store, you can save money on groceries every time you check out.
- If you’re a teen, get a summer job and stop draining your parent’s wallets. Here are 100 fun and lucrative summer jobs for teens. If you’re going to eat this much, maybe consider helping your parents pay for it. Just sayin’. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Kelly Smith is a junior writer and engagement specialist at The Penny Hoarder. Catch her on Twitter at @keywordkelly.