Attention, First-Time Aldi Shoppers: Here’s Everything You Need to Know
Aldi has become a staple in Americans’ grocery store laps.
Have you been yet? If not, here are 10 great tips for anyone looking to shop at Aldi stores for the first time.
1. Head in Early

Aldi is rapidly expanding in the U.S. and even purchased Winn-Dixie. So, it’s not uncommon to find the place packed.
To avoid getting lost in a sea of like-minded frugal shoppers, consider heading in early to get your grocery shopping done. But keep in mind that Aldi’s operating hours differ from conventional grocery store hours — it opens a bit later than you may be used to. Typical opening time is at 9 a.m., and hours may vary by location on the weekends.
2. Bring a Quarter

To use a cart, you’ll have to have a quarter. Each cart has a slot where you insert a quarter deposit to unlock it from the corral.
But don’t worry! You’ll get it back after you return the cart.
The quarter system helps keep labor costs low. Aldi doesn’t have to hire someone to gather carts from the parking lot, and shoppers have an incentive to return carts to the corral. Because most shoppers are willing to return their carts to get their money back, the system remains efficient — and the parking lot remains tidy.
3. Better Bring Your Own Bags Too

Aldi has low prices because it’s a no-frills kind of store. And it takes the no-frills concept quite seriously.
To keep costs and prices down, it doesn’t provide free bags. So make sure to bring your own.
If you forget to bring bags, you can buy paper or plastic ones for about 10 cents each, or you can just load your groceries directly into the cart without bags.
4. Look For Empty Boxes

Sharon Steinmann/The Penny Hoarder
If you forget your reusable bags and don’t want to fork over your nickels for them, here’s a little hack that’ll come in handy: Keep an eye out for empty boxes on shelves around the store. If you forget your bags, you can use them to carry groceries to your car.
5. Be Ready to Bag Your Own Groceries

At the grocery store, you may be used to having a nice employee ask you, “Paper or plastic?”
Well, not at Aldi.
This might be the main thing that shocks Aldi first-timers: The responsibility of bagging groceries falls on you.
This may seem a little weird at first, but it’s another way the grocery chain keeps costs low.
6. Make a List

Aldi’s low prices are pretty astounding.
While you’re shopping, you may want to grab literally everything you see. It’s all cheaper than usual, so you should stock up, right?!
Actually, no.
A big grocery shopping mistake is heading to a store without a list. When you don’t know ahead of time what you’re looking for, you may be tempted to grab things you don’t need.
Considering the temptation to buy one of everything at Aldi, it’s even more important to create a list ahead of time so you don’t break your budget.
7. Don’t Shy Away From Unfamiliar Brands

When you shop at Aldi, chances are you won’t see your favorite brand of cereal or crackers. Instead, you’ll find Aldi’s own brands, like Millville.
Around 90% of brands Aldi stores carry are its own.
That doesn’t mean you should only purchase items with those familiar brand names, though. You should seriously consider trying Aldi’s in-house products!
While you may be skeptical at first let this ease your mind: The Millville brand is actually made by the nation’s leading food producers.
Additionally, Aldi claims that all Millville products meet or exceed the quality of national brands. If you don’t like an item, Aldi’s double guarantee lets you return the product, get your money back and have it replaced for free.
With a satisfaction program like that, there’s no harm in trying something new!
8. Scope Out That Cheese Bin

Do you love cheese? (We do!) The cheese at Aldi is both delicious and reasonably priced.
Penny Hoarders also love creating low-cost cheese boards and plates from Aldi’s selection. Pair it with the store’s cheap gluten-free crackers or olives, and you’ve got yourself quite the appetizer.
9. Don’t Bother Bringing Coupons

Aldi doesn’t accept coupons. Sometimes fake ones circulate Facebook — but don’t fall for them.
10. Yes, You Can Bring Your Cart to the Parking Lot

For a store that doesn’t have someone around to make sure carts go back into the corral, an alarm going off to keep you from leaving it in the middle of the parking lot would be handy.
But, no, the quarter system doesn’t activate a secret lock that prevents you from taking your cartful of groceries to your car. Aldi cuts a lot of costs, but not that many costs.
Bag your own groceries, cart them out to your car, take it back to the cart corral and get your quarter back. It may seem like extra work, but when you look at your receipt and see just how much money you saved, it’s worth it.
Kelly Smith is a junior writer and engagement specialist at The Penny Hoarder. Catch her on Twitter at @keywordkelly.