Work From Home
This Part-Time Data Entry Job Doesn’t Require a Degree or Experience
Fyllo, a compliance services company, is hiring a part-time data entry specialist to work from home.
In this entry-level job, you’ll be working with the compliance team to ensure legislative information, assigned data and content is added to the database regularly. Translation: You’ll be doing a lot of data-entry work.
While this is a part-time position, the job posting promises the potential for advancement and growth.
Data Entry Specialist at Fyllo
Responsibilities include:
- Collaborating with teams to ensure data and content is added to the regulatory database in a timely and consistent manner.
- Supporting the compliance team with special projects.
Applicants for this position must have:
- Research abilities.
- Experience with computers.
- Strong writing and communication skills.
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Danielle Braff is a freelance writer in Chicago.